0001. Is what Prate™

Friday, August 15, 2008

Is what Prate™ by Jemma Gura aka lentil
I don't think this shirt would make much sense to anyone who wasn't either a Dreamless member or a Prate™ fan, but this was the very first Threadless shirt. The Jakes asked me to design a Prate tee for them after they came up with the idea of Threadless... so I tried to make something that was relevant to all of our 'online friends' at the time. That audience has obviously changed quite a bit and I don't think the average Threadless participant today would have any idea "is what Prate".

Best I can figure, Prate is a design website, and now not very much alive. Sure, it's there, but no one has updated it since 2001ish, if the first page is any indication ("Information or September 2001."). And what is Dreamless? Seems like another something that faded into the internet of the past.

0000. Introduction

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
This is something of a hack, my little effort to add another layer of order to the back catalog and current creations of Threadless. In the weeks to come, I'll be adding in all sorts of fancy bits. For now, we've got this, our quiet little nothing much.

UPDATE: July 13, 2009
I changed the format of the site recently, and now the images fit (I was trying to work with the code, but I my understanding of HTML is stuck circa 1998). I hope to have the whole of Threadless cataloged by August, 2009, so I can do Monday updates and keep the archive orderly, and the design add dates will match the blog post dates. The numbering scheme initially followed the product number, but for to keep everything orderly, the titles have four numeric spaces (xxxx) instead of three (xxx).

I'll update this post with a break-down of the labels as I add them, unless I can get fancy and figure out how to have ordered sets of labels (ideally into shirt colors, styles, content, and misc.).